I used to write these blogs on MySpace. "Back in the day...." Yeah, I know you're tired of hearing that but BACK IN THE DAY :) , there was MySpace in the early 2000's which was similar to Facebook until it died in like 2008ish. Technology will forever evolve. The 90's were awesome because we were kids and didn't have much to worry about. Well, a lot that lived through that era didn't. I went through a lot but it made me appreciate the little things in life more so I guess that's a good thing. My boy Huey said, "It's an awesome time to be alive" around 2015 and I agree. The kids are lucky to be born at the right time. Anyway, thanks to everyone that support. If you need advice about anything, just ask (Facebook, Instagram, Email, etc.). I'll try my best to respond. Oh and don't ask about beginner cameras because I've never used one. The camera on your phone has better quality than beginner cameras and does a lot more like....take selfies haha
People That Inspired Me:
My Dad. He was always working. He did a lot for his EIGHT kids. I'll get into that in another blog....maybe.
2Pac: I just found "new" music he made during the Death Row days (1995-96). I made my own playlist that has most of those songs on my youtube and it's 9 hours long! Talk about working...where the f did he find time to sleep? I hate sleeping because it's wasting my time on this beautiful world and I've never made a dollar sleeping lol